Mountains Out Of Molehills
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In Mountains out of Molehills, the players become moles competing for the coveted title of “Top Tunneler” by digging tunnels below ground and crafting molehills above ground.
The action takes place on the special two-level game board. On the lower level, players “program” the movement of their blind moles by placing cards from their hand in the order that they will be carried out. As the moles move around, they can add stackable plastic molehill pieces to the top level. Since moles “push” their molehills up, new pieces are added to the bottom of these stacks instead of the top, which can change who controls each molehill but also risks collapsing the towers. At the end of the sixth round, the mole who has the most points from their molehills wins.
Extra Info
- Ages: 9 and up
- Players: 2–4 Players
- Publisher: The Op (USAopoly)
- Time: 30–60 Min
- primaryname: Mountains Out Of Molehills
- Product Title: Mountains Out Of Molehills