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Games Workshop Newest Products
Hell's Last
Preorder Today! Available on Saturday, March 08 2025
$80.00 Brand NewHell's Last is the nickname given to the Cadian 101st regiment, which stands at the forefront of Humanity's war against the darkness. Minka Lesk is the Captain of the seventh company – she le...3 In Stock -
Maleneth Witchblade
Preorder Today! Available on Saturday, March 08 2025
$42.00 NewMaleneth Witchblade was trained as an assassin by the Daughters of Khaine, but now acts as an agent of the Order of Azyr. She accompanies the legendary duardin hero, Gotrek Gurnisson, as he travels...3 In Stock -
Death Korps of Krieg
$52.00 Brand NewThe Death Korps of Krieg's grim regiments excel in the most gruelling of conditions – their famous siege troops holding key positions no matter the onslaught unleashed upon them. They're not ...2 In Stock -
Krieg Combat Engineers
$45.00 Brand NewKrieg Combat Engineers are renowned for their skill as demolitions experts, sappers, and close-quarters trench fighters. It is their task to accompany the first waves of a Death Korps assault, clea...2 In Stock -
Lord Marshal Dreir
$60.00 Brand NewLord Marshal Dreir leads from the front, despite his lofty rank, and often to the horror of his superiors. That he and his loyal Krieg steed have emerged from so many battles alive and victorious s...3 In Stock -
Krieg Command Squad
$45.00 Brand NewKrieg Command Squads are led by representatives of the Officio Prefectus, most commonly a high-ranking Commissar, assisted by a retinue of veterans and junior officers. They lead from the front and...1 In Stock -
Death Riders
$62.50 Brand NewDeath Rider units are filled with soldiers that have earned the honour – a high one for any soldier of Krieg. Astride their genetically enhanced Krieg steeds, these bold cavalry riders thunde...2 In Stock